Exhibition Guidelines for The Arts Center


  • Each exhibition specifies whether an exhibition is open to state or US residents, along with ages.

Entries and Submission Fees

  • Entry fees are nonrefundable for all exhibitions.

  • Fees and size requirements are announced by our call for entry system and are stated in each show prospectus.

  • Each show will specify how entries, applications and submissions are accepted.

  • Images must be in JPEG files less than 5MB in size, with the recommended longest pixel dimension between 1600 and 3000 pixels.

  • Images of accepted works may be used at the sole discretion of TAC for promotional purposes including but not limited to the invitation, catalog, website, or on a subsequent year’s prospectus. Image will include attribution whenever possible.


  • All work entered into any exhibition should include a for sale, or not for sale price. Solo exhibitions will allow a POR for Price On Request. Some exhibits do not allow a price on request.

  • TAC processes all sales, and payment from sold work will be mailed to the artist 30 days after the close of the exhibition.

  • TAC will retain 25% from all sales of members work. Artist must be a member at time of sale to qualify. 35% for non members.

  • Sale of artwork is taxable and all sales tax processing will be handled by TAC.

  • Buyers will be asked if the work may be retained until the exhibit ends. If the buyer disagrees, TAC will let the work go, and the artist will be informed.


  • For all art shows, art created within the past three years may be entered, unless otherwise specified for a particular exhibit.

  • Works in a juried show may be exhibited at a given location only once.

  • Completed works may not exceed 72 inches in any one direction, including the frame. Sizes specific to an exhibition are shown in the entry application.

  • Work must be original in concept and design and created by the artist without instructor guidance. No commercially produced or reproduced artwork will be accepted.

  • Photographic prints not made directly by the artist, shall have been analog or digitally processed by the artist and shall be in control of any adjustments such as cropping, color balance, contrast, etc., through to the final printing.

  • No works produced in multiple quantities are accepted, unless produced from the original means by the artist’s hand and doesn’t exist in another medium. Editions must be signed and numbered.


Digital Image Requirements

  • JPEG images only

  • Maximum file size limited to 5 MB

  • As a guideline, we recommend that you set the pixel dimension to approximately 3000 pixels on the longest side to provide the best image for the juror.



  • All work delivered to the gallery must have the following information affixed to the non-viewing side of artwork:

    • Artist Name

    • Address, phone number, and email (business cards are great!)

    • Title of the work, medium and price. Be specific with medium descriptions

    • Name of the show the work is in if possible

  • Work must arrive on scheduled dates specified.

  • Paintings must be dry.

  • Measure to ensure work meets size limitations before delivery, include outer edges of frames. Work not in compliance will not be exhibited. No exceptions.

  • All shipped work must include a bar-coded return shipping label. Do not send by United States Postal Service (USPS). We prefer UPS but accept FedEx. No shipping peanuts allowed.

  • If you have specific packing/repacking instructions please include them in the shipping box.

  • Tips on shipping can be found online through a search.

Installation of Artwork

Art Exhibitions: Placement of works is the responsibility of the Exhibitions Committee and its chosen jurors.

Solo/Small Group Exhibitions: Artists are encouraged to install their exhibition as part of a professional development process. The Gallery has final say on presentation. Once a work is selected for exhibition, the artist cannot remove it from the gallery unless unusual circumstances require an exception.

Presentation Guidelines

TAC strives to provide a professional exhibition space and asks artists to present their artwork professionally as well. The work must conform to the following standards unless otherwise stated for a particular exhibition. Artwork will not be installed if improperly presented or misrepresented.

  • Two-dimensional work must be suitably framed (clip frames not allowed) and under glass or Plexiglas when appropriate (Plexiglas must be on work over 24”x30”). Glass is acceptable, but the final weight of the art piece is considered. Glass increases that weight.

  • Artwork that is intentionally unframed, such as stretched canvas, must have well-finished painted edges. Edges cannot be taped. Mats, if used, must be well cut and clean.

  • All prints, including photographic prints must be signed and numbered.

  • All work must be equipped for safe installation; gallery personnel will determine safety.

  • Works considered as being too fragile for handling by gallery personnel will not be accepted.

  • All wall and suspended work must be equipped with a secure wire hanging system. TAC does not supply framing, hardware, or wire.

  • Coordination with the Gallery is required for installation work.

    • Artwork or display materials can NOT be directly affixed to the wall. TAC uses a walker hanging system. This includes tags that label works. At no time can anything be mounted on the gallery walls.

    • Works requiring electrical outlets or other special considerations should consult with the gallery prior to application.

    • The Gallery has limited numbers of display materials for 3-D work; please discuss with the gallery prior to application.

  • The artist is responsible for special security of artwork, such as jewelry. Jewelry should arrive ready to display in a shadow box that can be displayed on a pedestal, or hung from a wall if necessary. This ensures the safety of jewelry.

  • When two or three-dimensional work is unusually heavy or difficult to handle, timely assistance may be required of the artist. Prior notice is required for any three-dimensional works exceeding 50 pounds, and two-dimensional work exceeding 20 pounds to ensure gallery floor or wall can bear weight load. Three-dimensional work must fit through a standard single door.

  • At NO time can any type of tape be used to hang tags, or display art. It ruins our walls. You will be charged the cost of repairs to fix damage.

Pickup and Storage

  • When the exhibit ends, dates and times are provided for pick up for every exhibition.

  • You must pick up your work within the specified time frame, or by appointment. We will always work with artists for an early drop off or a late pick up.

  • Unless previous arrangements have been made, work placed in storage after announced pickup dates will be subject to a fine of $10.00 per piece, per week. There are no exceptions. Work abandoned will become the property of TAC.


All work will be handled with all possible care, but pieces submitted for exhibition are at the artist’s risk. In the event of damage/theft, the TAC will not be held liable. If insurance is desired, the artist must carry it.
The Arts Center has a secured facility with an alarm monitoring system and the utmost full care is given to every art piece. The gallery is monitored by gallery docents. If TAC damages work at our fault, we will pay for repairs. TAC does carry insurance.